Category: Hanga | Create

Past & Present

Today we were looking at the change of early and the modern mode of transport. We labeled the different parts of one of the land, sea, rail, and air. We also chose to do one of which were the interior, outside, or the engine. 

Give each example for the differences between the two. I found this task helpful because I got to lern ew thing inthe interior  

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was the was not that much design to the airplane back then

Motivational Poster

For PB4L, we are reminding ourselves why it is important to attempt to do new things and to ask for help. This session encourages students and people so that they can continue doing what they find interest in or so they can improve their academic performance.

It is important to attempt new things because because you get more chances in life

It is important to ask for help because you will never learn

I found this task interesting because i learnt a few things off it.

Match Girls Strike of 1888

LI: To identify the significance of the Match Girls Strike of 1888.

Today we had a session with David, our PB4L leader. He was teaching us about the match girls strike of 1888. This Strike of 1888 explains the hardships that the match girls went through, this eventually led to a protest trying to raise awareness for women who don’t get appreciate their hard work by not getting paid.

I found this task interesting because it is about history.

Provocation | Should we keep or ban fireworks?

LI: To identify the 2 perspectives of provocation  

For writing, we have been learning about provocation. Provocation is giving opinions that will set off powerful feelings about the topic. 

Before starting our learning conversation, we had 10 minutes to smart search for evidence we can use to support our think of the use of fireworks.

While taking notes, we shared and borrowed information from other groups to help build up our knowledge that we could use when explaining our opinions.

Afterwards we had a learning conversation about the pros and cons about fireworks. During our learning conversation, we agreed and disagreed with each other by using evidence that we gathered to support our statements. 

In conclusion, we came up with two different opinions and gave reasons on why we thought that way.

We found this activity helpful because it gave us a good experience of provocation and a proper learning conversation.



Flim Festival

LI. To showcase learning and creativity through films

Today was November 8th 2022 witch means its the day of the film festival. The film festival event is where different schools that are apart of Manaiakalani cluster create films. Therefore, we all came together to the Sylvia Park movie thearter to watch all of their short films.

My favourite short was Tamaki College when they made a film on there talent show.

I enjoyed watching every film made from each school and I would like to watch them again.

Silhouette Bird

We have been learning how to corporate tones, blending and brush strokes with our art using paint. We chose a bird that is endemic to New Zealand and researched five facts about them. We chose birds because the New Zealand bird of the year award is going to be announced soon on the 31st of October. We looked through different videos that taught us about the technique used 

I enjoyed this actvity because I learnt how to brush stroke


Narrator Perspective

LI: To rewrite the story of cinderella using a different narrator perspective.

We have been continuing our learning about the different perspective authors bring to a text.

Our challenge today was to change the fairy tale of Cinderella from Third person omnisceint to first person. Third person omnisceint means that a narrator is not a character in the story but watches what is happening, and knows everthing. First person means that the narrator is the main character of their own story

I found this activty fun because i learnt about the story of Cinderella.

Blocks v Python

Today at tech we did blocks and python. The forever block goes around the instruction Blocks to flash the heart The forever PYTHON is two lines of code that go around the other Instructions Everything inside the PYTHON forever LOOP is INDENTED. I enjoyed this activty today because we learnt about coding and we had a little coding machine that does the animation that we did on coding.